Biblical Counseling

PLEASE NOTE: We currently have very limited availability for our counseling team. If you are not a member or regular attender of GPBC, please consider pursuing other resources before filling out an application.

Green Pond Bible Chapel’s Biblical Counseling Team exists to help others grow and change using God’s word.

What is Biblical Counseling?

Biblical counseling is intensive discipleship using God’s sufficient Word in believers’ lives to give hope and bring about biblical change. (Ephesians 4:22-24)

Biblical Counseling is the process by which one believer comes alongside another believer with the goals of:

  1. Discerning desires, thoughts, heart attitudes and behaviors in the light of scripture to deal with one’s sins and trials
  2. Seeking to use God’s Word by the Holy Spirit to give hope and bring about real, lasting change
  3. Encourage progressive growth in Christ-likeness
  4. Building up of the church
  5. Evangelizing the lost to the glory of God.

Who are the Counselors?

Our counselors are all members of GPBC who have had specific training in Biblical Counseling (ACBC).

What do I do if interested?